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Stuff you should probably know about


Minor update

Do you want to know what I still have to do? Well look down near the bottom of the page! A to-do list that has all of the things I'm supposed to be doing right now rather than playing video games. Oh also new tangent

Introduction to this place

Ah, welcome. As you probably don't know, I'm just some guy who does stuff occasionally, and this is my website. I'll put basically everything new i make on here, so don't forget to check out the new stuff i make by clicking the "My stuff" button on the menu.

Hey mobile users, Sorry that this website is kinda hard to use on mobile, but I tried to make it actually usable on mobile. Most pages should be mobile friendly, but you really should use a computer for this site. Happy browsing!

To-do list

  • Change footer from always there to a thingy attached with JS

  • remember what you forgot to do

  • make all lists created with JS start off as just HTML so search engines can see them

  • make another meme website

  • fix that weird bug with the news items in the news page

live hampter reaction:

live hampter reaction

"I've been stranded for so long, in this forsaken realm of low poly environments and repeating textures. I long for freedom, though my hopes are in vain, for ever since I've entered this world, I have yet to find an escape"